The Great Bay Partnership awards $17,541 for two Stewardship Projects

The Great Bay Resource Protection Partnership announced the Fall 2024 recipients of Stewardship Grant Program awards. Two grant recipients received a total of $17,541 in grant funds to support stewardship projects on 132 acres of conservation land in the Great Bay Watershed. Grant recipients provided $6,619 in matching funds.

The Stewardship Grant Program assists with stewardship costs for permanently protected conservation lands in the Great Bay Watershed of New Hampshire. Stewardship activities supported by this grant program include habitat management, existing trail maintenance, property and project planning, and natural resource inventory projects. Eligible applicants include the fee owner or conservation easement
holder of an eligible conservation property, including land trusts, municipalities and units of governments.

The The Fall 2024 grant recipients include:

  • City of Portsmouth, $9,991. Habitat Management, Portsmouth, NH
  • Southeast Land Trust of NH, $7,550. Planning and Habitat Management, Epping, NH

The Stewardship Grant Program will have a grant round in the Spring of 2025. See the Great Bay Partnership website for additional details.

The Great Bay Resource Protection Partnership is a collaboration of conservation organizations in the coastal region that promotes landscape-scale land conservation and stewardship. Funding for the Stewardship Grant program is provided by the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, Great Bay 2030 Initiative. The Nature Conservancy serves as the fiscal agent for the Great Bay Resource Protection Partnership grant program.

Full PDF press release.

For questions about the grant program contact us.